Everything Economics

EE013 - Water in California

In this episode, Tahlia talks water in California. The state is in trouble due to increased droughts and climate change, and must plan for their future. Find out what happens when water becomes scarce, in a state that is so dependent on agriculture.

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

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EE012 - The National Energy Guarantee

In this episode, Tahlia talks about the National Energy Guarantee in Australia, a new policy that was the catalyst for a change of leadership for the liberal party and for the nation. So what is this guarantee all about? Will it drive down emissions or will it fail?

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

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EE011 - Income Inequality Part II with Pablo Gutierrez

In this episode Tahlia talks to PhD candidate, Pablo Gutierrez about his research into income inequality in Canada.

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

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010 - Monetary Policy and Quantitative Easing Part I

In this episode, Tahlia gives a rundown on what monetary policy is, and how quantitative easing changed this after the global financial crisis of 2007. Did this new tool work in its first five years?

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

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009 - Marijuana Legalization with Gustavo Tovar Albuquerque

In this episode, Tahlia discusses the economics of marijuana legalization in light of recent changes to Canadian laws. She also speaks with PhD candidate, Gustavo Tovar Albuqurque, about his research into medical marijuana legalization, and its impact on violet crime in California.

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

Find more podcasts and friends of the network at https://cavegoblins.com

008 - Trade Part IV

Trump's Trade War

This week on Everything Economics, Tahlia discusses Trump's Trade War! Why is taking on China in the first place? How have they responded to his tariffs on imports, and who will be impacted by this?

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

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007 - Trade Part III

Canada and its dairy industry

In this episode, Tahlia looks at NAFTA from the perspective of Canada. How has Canada fared from the trade agreement? And why is everyone so upset about their dairy industry, supply management, and tariffs that have been around for so long?

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

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006 - Trade Part II

Why the US wants to leave NAFTA

In this episode of Everything Economics, Tahlia explores why the US wants to leave the NAFTA. Hear about manufacturing jobs, whether they were impacted more by competition from China than from Mexico, and what would happen to income if the country did in fact, close off from international trade.

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

Find more podcasts and friends of the network at https://cavegoblins.com

005 - Trade Part I

How Mexico suffered from NAFTA

This is not an episode Trump's trade war! In this episode, Tahlia explores why countries trade, and how international trade can be damaging without the right regulations in place. When the NAFTA was implemented, Mexico experienced a rise in equality which is explained.

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

Find more podcasts and friends of the network at https://cavegoblins.com

004 - Income Distribution and the Lorenz Curve

How equal is your country?

In this episode, Tahlia explains how income distribution can be understood using the Lorenz Curve. Without getting overly mathematical, she tells us how to calculate the Gini Coefficient to find out exactly how equal or unequal, your country may be.

Read on Medium: https://medium.com/@tahlia.murdoch/income-distribution-basics-1a92976d46b0

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

Find more podcasts and friends of the network at https://cavegoblins.com

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