Everything Economics

EE042 - Opioids Part I

How urgent is the opioid epidemic?

In part I of a two part series on opioids, Tahlia looks at prescription rates, opioid related hospitalizations, and opioid related deaths across the US and Canada. Since the 1990s, opioid prescription rates have increased significantly, driving the opioid crisis and fentanyl crisis the continent finds itself in.

Read the Canadian Institute of Health Information report here: https://www.cihi.ca/sites/default/files/document/opioid-related-harms-report-2018-en-web.pdf

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

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EE041 - Labour Day and Unions

Labour Unions Help Workers

In this episode, in light of the upcoming Labour Day in Canada, Tahlia discusses the impacts and importance of labour unions on fair wages, fair working conditions, access to healthcare, and how anti-union lobbying has directly contributed to rising income inequality.

Read the Costco vs. Walmart turnover example here: https://hbr.org/2006/12/the-high-cost-of-low-wages

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

Find more podcasts and friends of the network at cavegoblins.com

EE040 - Meme Economics

In this episode, Tahlia uses memes to explain how the free market is supposed to work in theory, and considers whether or not they do influence people's political ideology.

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

Find more podcasts and friends of the network at cavegoblins.com

EE039 - Earth Strike

In this episode, Tahlia talks to Evan Charleton, the International Organizer for Youth at Earth Strike. Earth Strike is a global strike for climate change. taking place across the world from September 20 - 27, 2019. Listen to this episode to learn more.

Be sure to connect via their website: https://www.earth-strike.com/

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

Find more podcasts and friends of the network at http://cavegoblins.com

EE038 -Science Cuts in Australia

In this episode, Tahlia looks at the science cuts in Australia under the leadership of the Coalition. Why would a government want to invest in science? Why are cuts to science even a bad thing?

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

Find more podcasts and friends of the network at http://cavegoblins.com

EE037 - Reproductive Rights

In this episode, Tahlia discusses the critical importance of reproductive rights, from abortion, to contraception, to paid parental leave. She also talks about what happens when these rights are violated, giving direct examples of impacts from the global gag rule.

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

Find more podcasts and friends of the network at http://cavegoblins.com

EE036 - Are my internet and phone prices fair?

In this episode, Tahlia discusses wired and mobile internet pricing in Canada, whether it is fair, how much companies invest in capital upgrades, and how they take consumer benefits and turn them into their own.

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

Find more podcasts and friends of the network at http://cavegoblins.com

Hiatus Announcement

Everything Economics is taking a little break for the month of May and early June due to a very busy work schedule and lots of travel. Tahlia will be back with a buffer and more episodes for you in mid June so stick around!

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

Find more podcasts and friends of the network at http://cavegoblins.com

EE035 - How are people fighting climate change?

In this episode, Tahlia explores some ways communities are tackling climate change, despite a lack of leadership from world governments.

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

Find more podcasts and friends of the network at http://cavegoblins.com

EE034 - Toronto Public Health Cuts

In this episode, Tahlia discusses how the recent cuts to Toronto Public Health might impact the City, by making comparisons to anti-tobacco promotion in Australia, and broadly looks at the importance of prevention funding within a healthcare system.

Follow Tahlia: https://twitter.com/tahliamurdoch

Follow Everything Economics: https://twitter.com/everyeconomics

Follow the Cave Goblin Network: http://twitter.com/cavegoblins

Find more podcasts and friends of the network at http://cavegoblins.com

Cave Goblin Network